ADI Instructional Materials in an easy-to-use application
The ADI Learning Hub contains the most up-to-date ADI investigations for in-person, hands-on, remote, or hybrid learning for teachers and students in grades 3-12. At the core of the ADI Learning Hub are investigations and design challenges that give students an opportunity to use the core ideas and practices of science or mathematics to make sense of the world around them.
What is it and how does it work?
Teachers with a subscription to the ADI Learning Hub can access ADI investigations from an extensive and growing library of science and math investigations. Teaching tips and lesson plans are included for each investigation and save teachers planning and prep time.

Features for Students
Each investigation in the ADI Learning Hub gives students an opportunity to use the core ideas and practices of science or math to make sense of the world. These investigations allow students to take ownership of their learning instead of just passively viewing a whole-class presentation or a video tutorial and then completing a set of practice problems. Students can also see their progress and interact with their classmates and their teacher using tools built right into the application.

Features for Teachers
Teachers can monitor student progress as they work through an investigation, view submissions, see and edit comments made between students, offer feedback, and assign grades. Teachers can also switch between remote and in-person instruction as needed at any point during an investigation. The ADI Learning Hub will alert the teacher when a student misses a deadline and makes it easy to message that student.

Features for Organizations
Districts and schools can purchase Organization Accounts that allow organization administrators to monitor usage, run reports, and assign teacher accounts. Teachers in the organization also receive free onboarding. Additional features, such as Single-Sign On, Immersive Reader, and editing investigations are available with our All-Access Org+ Accounts. ADI investigations can be used as a supplemental resource or they can be formally integrated into an existing math or science curriculum.

Ready to start using the ADI Learning Hub?
It’s easy! Create a Teacher Starter account and launch an ADI investigation with just a few clicks.

Want to learn more about what we offer?
Schedule a call with one of our program specialists to learn more about how we can help you.